Ruthless Aggressive Warriors has won the PUBG Mobile National Championship Nepal 2021

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Ruthless Aggressive Warriors has won the PUBG Mobile National Championship Nepal 2021

Nepal’s PUBG Mobile Nation Championship (PMNC) Nepal for 2021 has finally come to an end after the day’s finals stage. A total of 16 teams took part in the competition. RAW Official (Ruthless Aggressive Warriors) won the championship. The team secured a total of 3 chicken dinner throughout the tournament with a total of 280 points and 129 kills.

With their victory, now RAW Official team is qualified for the upcoming Pubg Mobile Pro League in South Asia: Fall Split 2021 Regular Session.

With the total point of 280 winning the winner price ($10000). The match was started from 2021-08-12 to 2021-08-15. JM(JyanMaara) in second place with a total point of 260 likewise PWP Esports ( In third place ) with a total point of 236, DRS GAMING in fourth place with a total point of 221, KINGsNepal in fifth place with a total point of 200, and the total team points are:-

SNTeam NamePoints
 13thLets Go141
 16thTrikru Nepal 97
Overall Leaders of PUBG Mobile National Championship Nepal 2021

Read more sports news here.

Content Creator: Mausam Gaire

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